Victim’s Rights
You have rights as a victim and you have the right to an attorney to help you assert those rights. A crime victim in Oregon has a constitutional right to be heard by the Judge. Victims have different desires in different cases. You may feel that the charges against the individual charged are unnecessary and wrong. You may want the charges dropped. You may want the person to get help with substance abuse. Or you may feel that the police and District Attorney are not listening to you and do not care about what you want.
I know how to assist you in asserting your rights as a victim. Let me help you accomplish your goals. Call me for a free consultation.
Domestic Violence: If you feel that you are being taken advantage of by the police or the state then you should contact me immediately. I will inform them that I am your lawyer and that they are no longer permitted to speak to you. With your lawyer you can choose if and how you want to cooperate.
Know Your Rights: The Oregon Constitution contains a specific clause dedicated to crime victims. This means that you have constitutional rights that you should use. As a crime victim you have the following rights:
- The right to be present at any critical stage of a proceeding (like a trial or sentencing).
- The right to refuse an interview.
- The right to receive prompt restitution.
- The right to be consulted regarding plea negotiations.