Drug Related DUII: How Is It Different

A common misconception about driving under the influence is that it only occurs after ingesting alcohol. The truth is that DUII stands for driving under the influence of intoxicants. This means not only alcohol but also any substance that may change the way your brain functions. This list extends to any narcotic substance that can alter the way you drive. Cannabis, prescription medications, opioids, alcohol, and more are all considered to be intoxicants. A simple way to remember this is that if you feel different, you drive differently.

What Happens Now?

It’s not unusual for someone to be confused about DUII laws and how drugs affect them. Every day, someone gets arrested for driving while intoxicated by some substance other than alcohol, and every day someone misunderstands how a DUII is recognized. The good news is that these cases are incredibly similar to a DUII case that does involve alcoholic consumption. These cases are oftentimes easily resolved on all ends. The key is to find a lawyer who is experienced in the field and has successfully completed many DUII cases with good results.

Getting guidance through the scary world of being charged with a DUII is essential when you’ve never gone down that path before. Being charged with a DUII is one of the worst experiences anyone can face. However, it must be said that not everyone charged with DUII is inherently guilty.

Contact Pedemonte Law

As previously stated, some prescription medications are also considered to be intoxicants. These medications alter the way the user feels and, therefore, how they drive. These cases are more difficult to navigate. They can be tricky due to the many variables found in a case. These variables can either make or break a case, and it is essential to know how to navigate the minefield that is a court hearing. Your best first step is to contact an experienced lawyer who knows the ins and outs of DUII cases. Pedemonte Law is the group for you.

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