***Your Diversion Will Last One Year. If At The End Of That Year You Have Complied With All Of The Terms Of The Diversion The Case Against You Will Be Dismissed***
Pay Your Court Fees
- You must pay a total of $490 to the Jackson County Court within one year.
- A monthly payment plan is available.
Evaluation And Treatment
- You must complete a drug and alcohol evaluation at Jackson County Community Justice, located at 1101 W. Main St. in Medford. This costs $150 and must be paid in full before you can begin treatment.
You will be referred to a treatment agency after your evaluation is complete. For a list of providers see this website: http://findtreatment.samhsa.gov/
- An orientation is held every Tuesday at 11:00AM at the DUII office. You must attend this.
- For a list of out of state providers see this website: http://findtreatment.samhsa.gov/
- Your treatment will likely last a minimum of 12 weeks.
- You must remain clean from alcohol and all drugs (including marijuana) during the treatment period. You must provide UA’s to the treatment provider. If you provide a positive UA you must start the treatment over.
- Your treatment will likely cost a minimum of $750. This will be determined by the treatment agency. It may cost you more if you are required to start over or if you complete residential treatment first.
- Most agencies require that you attend classes a minimum of two times per week.
- You may be required to pay the treatment agency in full before they verify your completion.
- Some treatment agencies provide a “sliding scale” payment plan based on your income.
- Most treatment agencies accept a monthly payment plan.
- Some treatment agencies accept OHP.
- Most people who fail diversion fail because they didn’t complete the treatment program.
Attend the Victim Impact Panel
- This is a one-time appearance; it lasts two hours. It occurs the first Wednesday of each month at the Smullin Center at the Rogue Regional Medical Center at 2825 E. Barnett Rd.
- It costs $25, cash only. Bring identification. No reservation is required.
- Check in begins at 6:00 and class starts at 6:30. No late entries.
- To contact the Court about the Victim Impact Panel call 776-7171 x583
Install the Ignition Interlock Device
- If you want to drive during your diversion, you must install an Ignition Interlock Device. For a list of providers go to this website: http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/DMV/docs/iid_approved_devices.pdf
- If you are caught driving without the Interlock Device, your diversion may be terminated.
Important Information
- You may only participate in diversion once every 15 years.
- While on diversion you may not consume ANY alcohol. You certainly cannot consume any alcohol and drive. If you are caught drinking at all while driving, your diversion will be terminated.
- You may be able to receive a six-month extension on your diversion. This request must be filed during the last month of diversion. It can be filed at the Courthouse.
- When you complete treatment, obtain and keep a copy of your completion certificate. The treatment provider may lose or destroy it and the DMV may want proof of completion of treatment.
***The Information Provided In This Handout Is Intended To Be A Helpful Guide. Some Details May Vary Depending On The Treatment Provider. You Cannot Rely On This Guide Without Verifying This Information With Jackson County Community Justice And Your Treatment Provider***