DUII Penalties in Oregon
DUII convictions carry different penalties based on your history. Josephine County has what is called “standard treatment.” This means that if you are convicted that you will get the same sentence from the judge whether you plead guilty or if you go to trial and lose. This means that if you have a defense then you should exercise your right to trial and you should fight your case.
First DUII Conviction
• 24 months bench probation (informal probation).
• 10 days jail or other custodial programs (home detention or work crew).
• One year driver’s license suspension.
• Fine of minimum $1250.
• Court ordered alcohol evaluation and treatment.
• Attend the Victim Impact Panel, a one-time presentation.
Second DUII Conviction
• 24 months bench probation (informal probation).
• 20 days jail or other custodial programs (home detention or work crew).
• One to three year driver’s license suspension.
• Fine of minimum $2000.
• Court ordered alcohol evaluation and treatment.
• Attend the Victim Impact Panel, a one-time presentation.
Third DUII Conviction
• 36 months supervised probation.
• 60 days jail or other custodial programs (home detention or work crew).
• Lifetime driver’s license revocation.
• Fine of minimum $2000.
• Court ordered alcohol evaluation and treatment.
• Attend the Victim Impact Panel, a one-time presentation.